After MONO JAPAN, those emblems remained.. this is a reminiscence of Sweet Hirado at Lloyd Hotel.
The last Sweet Hirado at MONO JAPAN 2018 by C&
I’m very honored that I could create the story of ‘Sweet Hirado’. I am very thankfu to the two Dutch creators, Roosmarijn Pallandt and INA-MATT who created wonderful designs for Sweets and Porcelain products.Through my experiences in this project I feel that I am knocking on the next door of a sweet culture that is connected to Nature, Myth, and Tradition.
Lastly I would like to express special thanks to Mr. Matsura who is then 41st lord of Matsura family. I really appreciate his attitude, because he was open to new experiences from his traditional values. As such, he worked on this project with an open mind.I learned lots of things from him. I would also like to thank Chinshin-ryu who made a great effort to help with MONO JAPAN 2018.
MONO JAPAN 2018を最後に私のプロデュースする Sweet Hiradoは終了しました。このプロジェクトは私に自然や神話、そして伝統につながった菓子や食”文化”が新しい物語を世界に向けて生み出す可能性を感じさせてくれ益々そのことに対する興味を抱かせるものになりました。どうやら本当の旅はこれから始まるようです。
様々な方々に本当にお世話になりました、INA-MATT, Roos, 平戸の菓子屋さん。そして松浦家41代目でいらっしゃる松浦章氏は広い心で伝統に新しい風を送り込むチャンスを下さいました。心より感謝致します。関わってくださった方々にこの場をかりて御礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございました!
2016年から書いてきたsweet Hiradoにまつわる物語が以下でご覧になれます。
Here, all stories are related to ‘Sweet Hirado’ I have been writing since 2016.
茶道、武家茶とは? Sweet Hirado オランダ発表に寄せて: Lecture @ MONO JAPAN 2018
Celebrating the completion of ‘Holland -kyushu 2016-2017’ with ‘Sweet Hirado’
Preview Lecture “Sweet Hirado – Japan’s Island of Sweets” MONO JAPAN in Amsterdam
Sweet Hirado at Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo
Eet Smakelijk ! めしあがれ・‘Nederlandse Thee Ceremonie’ in Hirado
“Sweet Nothing /甘美無” Nederlandse Thee Ceremonie in Hirado ・平戸オランダ茶会
東西百菓之図 お披露目の会/ Invitation to the presentation of “Sweet Hirado”
East to West, Sweets Encyclopaedia work in progress by INA-MATT
INA-MATT : Inspiration source no.1 ”Senryu_ Sake brewing company・潜龍酒造 / Honjin” in Hirado
INA-MATT: inspiration source no.2 “Hirado Shouzan Kiln・平戸松山窯”
INA-MATT: inspiration source no.3 visiting at citrus grove in the south part of Hirado
FIRANDO_ Japan’s Island of sweets @ MONO JAPAN in Lloyd Hotel Amsterdam
photo by
Jeroen Timmer ( great thanks!)
Chitose Ohchi