大地 千登勢 / INO(オオチ チトセ)
C& 代表/一般社団法人Art Culture Matrix 代表
2011 年より本格的に彼女の唯一無二の美意識を追求する展覧会を企画。
アートジュエリーの分野で日本、アジアを率いるキュレーターとして活躍。国際的に活躍する若手アーテイストにフォーカスして展覧会を企画。2015 年からはアートジュエリーの分野を超えて、彼女自身のユニークな美意識を通し、東洋・西洋の融合と並列を試みアート・デザイン、文化人類学、民俗学の分野を横断し、次なる世界の可能性を探り作り出す試みを行う。
-educatio & working experience
1996 明治大学政治経済学部卒業
1995 HP FRANCE(株 )Francoise Seigle Caroll のアシスタントバイヤー
2005 O-Jewel ( Comtemporarly Art Jewelry Brand) を立上げる
2007 黒川雅之建築事務所にて黒川ブランド『K 』とアートセクション設立
2009 アートジュエリーの分野にて国際的な展覧会をオーガナイズ
2015 11月9日C& [Chi and]設立
2019 7月山崎晴太郎とともに一般社団法人Art Culture Matrix設立
-art direction & produce
2017~ midiru midiru
2015-2018 Sweet Hirado
2019 Nov. “The Koto Sea, Tales of the Pearl Sea” 長崎県美術館、長崎
IMA Gallery 東京
2018 Oct. “acoya with Lights by SALIOT”
2018 Feb. “Sweet Hirado” Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2016 Nov. “Sweet Hirado” オランダ大使館、東京
2016 Oct. “Sweet Hirado” 平戸オランダ商館、長崎
2016 Feb. “HIRADO_Japanʼs Island of Sweets”@ MONO JAPAN,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2015 Dec. “HOLLAND JAPONISM” in Nagasaki Art Museum, 長崎
2015 Nov. “HOLLANDO JAPONISM” in 平戸オランダ商館、平戸
2014 Dec. “Thinking through Eating by Maki Okamoto” K&K 東京
2014 Oct. “HOOLAND JAPONISM” 軽井沢 New Art Museum 長野
2014 Aug. “HOLLAND JAPONISM” 札幌国際芸術祭 北海道
2014 Mar. “HOLLAND JAPONISM” アートフェアートーキョー東京
2013 Dec. “Lumier by Shuhei Ohata” K&K 東京
2013 Oct. “Overview by Katja Prins” K&K 東京
2013 May “Blooming Voice by Saya Yamagishi” K&K 東京
2013 Apr. “In-visible by Mini-Ling Hsieh & Yu-Chun Chen Duo” 東京
2013 Mar. “White for Japan” アートフェアートーキョー・東京
2019 Nov.”acoya”@Sorrisoriso 長崎
2018 Oct. “acoya”@オランダ大使館 東京
2018 Aug. “acoya”@松原寺子屋塾(松原小学校)長崎
2018 May.”長崎xオランダクリエーターズトーク@東京
2018 Feb. “Sweet Hirado”@The Netherlands (オランダ)
2017 Aug. “midirumidiru”@ 与那国島、沖縄
2017 Feb. “Sweet Hirado”@The Netherlands (オランダ)
2016 Feb.”Sweet Hirado”@ MONO JAPAN The Netherlands (オランダ) 2015 Nov. “HOLLAND JAPONISM”@ 平戸、長崎
2014 Nov. “HOLLAND JAPONISM”@ 京都
2013 Mar. “Art Jewelry” with Vivian 佐藤@ NIKKEI in 東京
2014 Oct. オランダ王国国王 King Willem-Alexandee,王妃 Queen Maxima に “HOLLAND JAPONISM” プレゼン行う
2019 Nov.”琴の海、真珠の海の物語” 旧松屋旅館、長崎
2018 Aug. “acoya’ @松原寺子屋塾、長崎
2017 Sep. “midiru midiru”@ 与那国中学校、与那国島
2012 Nov. “Making New Language” @ 神田 TRANS ART TOKYO
2010 Dec. “NISHIJIN” in 香港、香港 Designer’s week
Chitose Ohchi/INO
lives and works as Producer/Art director/Artist in Tokyo,Japan
C& CEO|General Incorporated Association ART CULTURE MATRIX CEO
Crossing the fields of art, design and cultural anthropology whilst trying to create fusions and parallels of the East and the West, she creates new stories and new worlds with her own unique aesthetic sense.
She is in continuous search of various origins of beauty around the world and then bringing them alive. Her latest project is showcasing the beauty of Yaeyama Culture in Okinawa together with Dutch artists.
Art Jewelry:
She works as a leading expert in the field of Art jewelry in Japan and other Asian nations. With an aesthetic of her own, ChiChi follows “Philosophy of Symbiosis,” a concept proposed by Kisho Kurokawa, one of Japan’s leading architects. In order to bring about a new phase of the world, she produces her artists with the concept of unique beauty – through a mixture of the Eastern and Western cultures. She also aspires to show various possibilities by connecting Art jewelry with other fields of art and culture.
-Education & working experience:
1996 Graduated Studied at the school of Political Science end Economics Meiji University Tokyo in Japan.
1995 Worked at H.P. FRANCE, an apparel company which has its origin in France, and studied under Franccoise Segle Caroll.
2005 Established O-Jewel as a gallery dedicated to Art jewelry.
2007 Established art section in Masayuki Kurokawa architecture studio
2009 Started curating several international exhibitions by herself
2015 Established C& [Chi and] 9th November
2019 Established General Incorporation Association ART CULTURE MATRIX
-Art Direction:
2018 ~ acoya
2019~ Midiru Midiru
2015-2018 Sweet Hirado
-Curated exhibition (selection) :
Nov.2019 “The Koto Sea, Tales of the Pearl Sea” Nagasaki and Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2018 “acoya with Lights by SALIOT” SALIOT gallery Tokyo Japan
Feb. 2018 “Sweet Hirado” Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nov. 2016 “Sweet Hirado” Embassy of the kingdom of the Netherlands
Oct. 2016 “Sweet Hirado” Hirado Trading Post Nagasaki, Japan
Feb. 2016 “Hirado_Japan’s Island of Sweets” MONO JAPAN, Amsterdam
Dec. 2015 “HOLLAND JAPONISM” Nagasaki Art Museum, Nagasaki Japan
Nov. 2015 “HOLLAND JAPONISM” Hirado Trading Post, Nagasaki, Japan
Dec. 2014 “Thinking through Eating” K&K Tokyo, Japan
Nov. 2014 “HOOLAND JAPONISM” KYOTO Kyoto, Japan
Oct. 2014 “HOOLAND JAPONISM” Karuizawa New Art Museum, Nagano
Aug. 2014 “HOLLAND JAPONISM” Sapporo International Art Festival, Japan
Mar. 2014 “HOLLAND JAPONISM” Art fair Tokyo Tokyo, Japan
Dec. 2013 “Lumier by Shuhei Ohata” K&K Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2013 “Overview by Katja Prins” K&K Tokyo, Japan
May.2013 “Blooming Voice by Saya Yamagishi” K&K Tokyo, Japan
Apr. 2013 “In-visible by Mini-Ling Hsieh & Yu-Chun Chen Duo” Tokyo,Japan
Mar. 2013 “White for Japan” Art fair Tokyo Tokyo, Japan
Nov. 2012 “10 HAPPY PE/AH” TRANS ARTS TOKYO Tokyo, Japan
Aug. 2012 “Lost in the sea by Nina Sajet” K&K Tokyo,Japan
May. 2012 “Avalanche de Rouille by Philip Sajet” K&K Tokyo, Japan
Mar. 2012 “SAKURA 2012” Art fair Tokyo Tokyo, Japan
Feb. 2010 “NISHIJIN” HOSOO Kyoto, Japan
Nov. 2011 “BAROCCO” Taipei + Tainan, Taiwan
Oct.2019 “The Koto Sea, Tales of the Pearl Sea” Nagasaki,Japan
Oct. 2018 “acoya” Embassy of the Netherlands Tokyo, Japan
Aug. 2018 “acoya” Matsubara Terakoya-Juku, Nagasaki, Japan
May 2018 “Nagasaki Creators Talk: about Netherlands “ Tokyo, Japan
Feb. 2018 “Sweet Hirado” Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Aug. 2017 “midirumidiru” Yonaguni-island, Okinawa, Japan
Feb. 2017 “Sweet Hirado” MONO JAPAN , the Neatherlands
Nov. 2015 “HOLLAND JAPONISM” Hirado, Nagasaki, Japan
Nov. 2014 “HOLAND JAPONISM” Kyoto, Japan
Mar.2013 “Art Jewelry” with ViVian Sato, NIKKEI Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 2014 Presentation to his majesty King Willem -Alexandee, her majesty Queen Maxima
Nov. 2019 “The Koto Sea, Tales of the Pearl Sea” Matsuya Ryokan, Nagasaki
Aug. 2018 “acoya” Matsubara -shuku, Nagasaki
Sep. 2017 “midiru midiru” Yonaguni Junior hight school, Yonaguni island, Japan
Nov. 2012 “ Making New Language” Trans Art Tokyo, Japan
Dec. 2010 “NISHIJIN” in Hong Kong Designer’s week. Hong Kong