A kind of Sweet
菓子の根本を探ってみるとかつて私たちの文化のなかで甘いものは豊かさや華やかさを願うものであり、 祭事や神仏に捧げるものであった。
ジュエリーと菓子の概念は似ている点、また砂糖は 西洋から入ってきている。これらの文脈から、”A Kind of Sweet”は、和菓子木型のジュエリーをオランダ/日本のアーティストとも一緒に考えていきたいと始めた。
What is the essence of confectioned sweets in Japanese culture?
It is the long-cherished desire for richness and splendor in the things we eat, as well as those that we offer to the gods through rituals and festivals. One finds many kinds of sweets representing the four seasons in Japan. They express human affection for and creative abstraction of nature’s beauty, and the recognition of our own life forces within the changing of the seasons – love and death, for example, captured in the luxuriousness of sugar.
Through contemporary eyes, let us revisit and rethink the wooden confectionery molds that are traditionally used to give form to these aesthetic sensibilities. Through the works that result, let us pay homage to this wonderful art form before it disappears altogether.
Then I realized that the concepts between jewelry and sweets are similar. From these contexts, I started “a kind of sweet”, a project to create a jewelry by using Wagashi (Japanese sweets) wooden molds with Dutch and Japanese artists besides the sugar brought over Europe.
Hirado might have been a very exciting place where different cultures mixed together.My sweets project also began because of this historical context. The combination of the Netherlands and the sweets shop in Hirado was also included in this context.