Sanctuary: Paddy Field
Fukuda Brewery located the southernmost part of Hirado Island
写真の作業は水を濁らせることにより、 雑草が光合成しにくくなり、生えにくくする様子、また土に溜まるガス抜きにもなる。暑い夏の作業、水田を往復するだけで汗だくになる。水田で出会う豊年海老、緑ガエル、みじんこ、ヘビちゃん、その他… 農薬なしの水田はさまざまな生き物のサンクチャリ。✨
Rice was grown without any pesticide for Japanese Sake. The photo shows how mudding the water in the paddy field makes it harder for weeds to photosynthesize and grow. It also helps to release gases pulled in the soil. We met fairy shrimps, green frogs, water fleas and snakes in the paddy fields. Paddy fields free from pesticides are a sanctuary for lots of creatures.